
FISF coordinates projects, conferences, and reports, which are relevant for sustainable fisheries in the Faroe Islands.

Currently, there are two active projects being coordinated by FISF. One is a research project in cooperation with the Faroes Marine Research Institute looking into the possible sideeffects of fishing on birdlife at sea. The other project is another research project looking into the distribution, ecosystem, and fisheries for  lemon sole and plaice in Faroese waters. 

Impact Assessment of Fisheries on Sea Birds

In their certification of the fisheries in Faroese waters as sustainable MSC has set a condition that the fishing industry collaborates with the Faroese Marine Research Institute (FMRI) to assess the impact of the fisheries on the endangered species, including sea birds. It is therefore necessary to produce statistical material documenting the current conditions of the sea bird populations and going forward to document the development in these sea bird populations. Since no such statistical documentation is available, MSC has been unable to give a unconditional certification of fisheries of demersal species in Faroese waters.

Losing the MSC certification is therefore a potential risk as long as no initiative is taken to produce the necessary statistical information to carry out an impact assessment.

The fishing industry is also regularly met with similar requests from international environmental organisations.

This is one of the reasons the industry participants have initiated this project of establishing FISF, which in collaboration with FMRI coordinates this research project.

Distribution, biology, and fisheries for lemon sole and plaice

A research project examining looking into the distribution, biology, and fisheries for lemon sole and plaice in Faroese waters. FISF co-funds the project being led by the Faroese Marine Research Institute for the next four years. FISF also participates in the steering committee for the project.

Queen Scallop Fishery

FISF has made an agreement with P/F O.C. Joensen with regards to publishing material relevant for their MSC certification process of the Queen Scallop Fishery in Faroese waters. The referenced material is published below.

Scallops Fishery Manual, OCJ, 2015

Scallops Fishery Manual, OCJ, 2021

Scallops Fishery Manual, OCJ, November 2021

Fishing grounds information, 2022